Garfunkel Featured on →

Haris Bacic for

“Garfunkel is a snazzy, responsive theme with a masonry layout. It has many features but the two most important ones are the support for retina/hi-res displays and infinite scroll. It also includes a full-screen background image which is a pretty big design trend right now.”

I built Garfunkel in July, while on a bus ride to visit a friend in Orsa, Dalarna. I didn’t have a wireless connection of any kind and my battery was almost out, so I was working in my local environment with the screen brightness turned all the way down. If the person next to me on the bus leaned over and told me that that design would be featured on Forbes six months later, I would’ve given him a disbelieving stare and switched seats.

It’s been a crazy year in many different ways. This probably takes the cake, though.